Frequently Asked Questions
What are Net Carbs?
Net carbs only include the carbohydrates your body can ready use for energy. This reading on your nutrition label excludes the carbohydrates your body can’t fully digest, including sugar alcohols, fiber, and allulose.
To calculate net carbs, simply take total carbohydrates per serving and subtract fiber, sugar alcohols and allulose.
What is Erythritol?
Erythritol is a natural sweetener that we can’t metabolize, which means it tastes like sugar without spiking our blood sugar.
Erythritol is part of the family of sugar alcohols, which are found in nature, but it is unique compared to others such as sorbitol or maltitol. Erythritol is the only one that has a glycemic index of zero and is easier to digest.
What is Monk Fruit?
Monk fruit, also known as luo han guo, is a small Asian melon that has been used in Chinese medicine for centuries. Monk fruit extract is derived by crushing the fruit, then drying the juice into a concentrated powder that has no calories, carbs or sugar.
What is Allulose?
Allulose is a natural sugar that we can’t metabolize [*], which means it tastes and acts like sugar without spiking our blood sugar. Found in fruit, maple syrup and other plants, it’s 70% as sweet as sugar.
The name “allulose” sounds like glucose, fructose, lactose, and other sugar names, because it’s in the same family. But unlike these sugars, we can’t process allulose.
What is Strict Keto?
Strict keto regulates your approach more than any other type of low carb eating. With strict keto, you limit your carb intake to 20-30 grams of net carbs every day, using clean food sources like meat, vegetables, and healthy fats.
On strict keto, people also track their calories and macros, and avoid inflammatory ingredients like gluten and added sugar.
What is Lazy Keto?
Like strict keto, lazy keto also keeps carb intake at 20-30 net grams. Tracking is more relaxed, though: You can track net carbs only, or avoid counting macros altogether and just eat foods you know are keto-friendly.
Lazy keto allows you to eat cleaner... or not. As long as you meet your net carb needs, you’re on track.
What is Dirty Keto?
On dirty keto, you still aim for ketosis with 20-30 grams of net carbs per day. And while you will still track macros closely, you can eat anything in those limits -- including gluten, sugar, and even fast food!
What is Low Carb?
Low carb is more lenient in terms of net carb intake (you can have between 50-100 grams per day). That means you can enjoy more moderate carb foods -- just keep track of your net carbs, or eat foods you know are low in carbs. Low carb can be “clean” or “dirty” depending on your preferences and lifestyle.